
2024 Course Outline*

Unlock Web3 Potential with W3W University

Join our 1-year program to gain a deep understanding of Web3 technology and its applications. Learn from renowned Fintech and Web3 experts and build your credibility in W3 proficiency.

For Professionals Seeking a Solid Foundation

Get classroom learning, industry insights, and networking opportunities to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving Web3 landscape

Unlock Your Potential with Our Mentorship Program

Expert-Led Content

Curated by Web3 leaders & companies.

Thriving Community

Join fellow learners in the W3W ecosystem.

Credentialed Learning

Credentials recognized on blockchain.

Our Schedule**

Web3 101
Web3 101*




May 28th 2024

Web3 & Blockchain

What is Web3; Blockchain Basics; Digital Assets Overview; Blockchain use cases in multiple industries

Vivien Khoo (PWMA)

Emma Pecenicic (Fidelity International)

September 2024

Cryptos 101

Bitcoin Basics; Crypto Markets Overview; Crypto Valuation; PoW vs PoS; Trading Basics; Risks

Stephanie Leung (Stashaway)

John Cahill (Galaxy)

November 2024

NFTs and the Metaverse

What are NFTs; Types of NFTs and value of NFTs in multiple use cases such as Marketing and Art; High Level Metaverse Introduction; How NFTs and the Metaverse are interconnected

Weronika Marciniak (FutureisMeta)

Stacy Hsu (House of First)

December 2024

Tokenization 101

What is Tokenization; Benefits and Challenges; Tokenization Use Cases; Tokenization Regulatory Environment

Giselle Lai (Fidelity International)

Karen So (OSL)

Mastering Web3
Mastering Web3*




June 12th

Digital Assets Custody

Type of Custody; Managing Private Keys; Personal versus Institutional Challenges; Best Practices; Regulation

Giorgia Pellizarri (Hex Trust)

July 11th

Crypto ETFs

Direct versus ETF holding; Futures Market Overview; Regulatory Environment; Importance of Custody

Emma Pecenicic (Fidelity International)

Minah Kim (CME)

Jean-David Pequignot (OSL)

October 2024

Metaverse Deep Dive

What to consider when launching your Metaverse; Typical Challenges and Implementations; Regulation; Marketing Opportunities; Links between Web2 & Web3

Weronika Marciniak (FutureisMeta)

Caroline York (Gusto Collective)

January 2025

Tokenizing a Security

From Issuance to Life Management; Regulation; Impact on Value Chain

Beatriz Callaghan (Digital Asset)

Karen So (OSL)

*Dates and Educator Details To Be confirmed

**Courses will be conducted in person in Hong Kong with venue provided by Finoverse at The Verse, 29/F The Chelsea, 69 Jervois Street

Frequently asked questions

Who will be presenting the sessions?

Every session is taught by speakers who are subject matter experts in their field, many are early adopters of Web3. The speaker comprises founders, functional heads and C suite for digital asset or Web3 companies.

What is the difference between the two streams of program - 101 Series & Master Class?

Web 3 101 Series (4 sessions) - target to cover the basics concepts and technologies in crypto and Web3 and some of the history behind 

Mastering Web3 Series (4 sessions) - for advanced learners, which delves deeper into topics like digital asset custody, regulatory environment.

What is the length of each session?

Each session is 1-2 hours long with speakers presenting on specific topics, Q&A, with a clear curriculum designed to maximize learning. Some of the sessions have networking towards the end allowing participants to exchange ideas and interact with others. 

Where do the sessions occur?

Sessions mostly are conducted in physical locations in Hong Kong. Specific details regarding the location will be provided upon registration.

Who can join the W3W University Program?

Individuals interested in learning about the basics of crypto, blockchain and Web3 can sign up for the program. One of W3W’s mission is to have more females educated in Web3 so we are targeting females as a priority but male attendees are also welcome. The 2024 program is geared towards someone with some basic understanding or exposure in finance and highly interested in the different aspects of blockchain and technology.

Can I buy individual sessions or only as a package?

We are mainly working with corporate partners for now where companies can put their employee through 101 or master class depending on their needs. The different options of packages are: Web3 101 Series (4 sessions)  or Master Web3 Series (4 sessions), with Mentorship Program as as an add on option. Mentorship program offers  1 on 1 mentorship and sessions on leadership and soft skills.

We are offering to individuals on a selected basis, prioritising those in our community and key supporters but only on a selective basis. If your company is interested to work with us, please reach out to us and lease check our sponsorship page to know how to contact us

What can I expect to achieve by the end of the program?

The program is intended to educate the attendees on key concepts as well as practical advice, teaching some fundamental concepts in Web3 and digital assets, as well as real life applications in how these apply to you and your profession. The 101 sessions are meant to offer a basic understanding of some simple concepts and the technologies behind blockchain, Web3 etc. The Master Web3 sessions provide more indepth understanding on the different building blocks such as infrastructure, regulation, custody etc

Attendees who complete the program will receive a digital certification evidence via blockchain

Why do you need to know about web3

Traditional Finance - traditional finance (banks, funds) have been involved in blockchain and Web3 for some years. The increase in used cases and institution adoption in recent years have driven interest across the board for the majority of the larger financial institutions using technology and products relating to blockchain and Web3   . Many professionals who are now  working in finance have a need to learn about Web3, even if they are not in the tech area or digital asset area,  given all emerging technologies are touching different aspects of the bank or fund houses, and most of the professionals working in traditional firms lack specific knowledge of Web3 and blockchain and how they will impact their work going forward. 

Other Professionals (Lawyers, consultants and other service providers) - gaining knowledge of Web3 and digital assets allows professionals to stay ahead of the curve, provide cutting-edge services to clients in this rapidly evolving space, and capitalize on the numerous opportunities presented by these disruptive technologies.

  • Understanding emerging technologies and theirl implications. Cryptocurrencies and digital assets are built on blockchain technology, which has far-reaching applications beyond finance. By understanding this technology, lawyers can better advise clients exploring its use in areas like supply chain, gaming, metaverse, and more.
  • Providing guidance on asset protection and succession planning. High-net-worth individuals and families may holding significant cryptocurrency and digital asset wealth require legal advice on asset protection strategies, tax planning, and succession planning for these novel asset classes
  • Navigating the evolving regulatory landscape. The legal and regulatory framework around cryptocurrencies and digital assets is rapidly evolving. Professionals who understand this space can help clients navigate compliance challenges and mitigate risks as new regulations emerge
  • Regulators in key jurisdictions have implemented extensive fintech roadmap and plans on digital payment infrastructure touching different areas of Web3 (DLT, digital currencies like CBDC/stablecoins etc. 
  • Some jurisdictions will require specific licenses for those offering digital asset products s

Some jurisdictions will require professionals dealing with digital asset products to be licensed so being properly educated on Web3 topics would be critical even if your current role is not directly in digital asset/Web3